
In many World-Class organizational structures, the Procurement & Supply Management function holds a very key strategic role in the position of the CPO – Chief Procurement Officer. This position isn’t granted easily but earned through Best Practice, value-add activities. Purchasing & Supply Management is accountable for 50%-80% of a Company’s total operational cost. With such vast responsility, it is necessary for the profession to conduct the work with proper knowledge on how to do it the right way. Common perception The concept of Best Practice becomes necessary  in order to implement a Strategic Procurement & Supply Management organization. Professionals in this function are enacted to apply proper concept, knowledge and implementation of Best Practice. In general, reducing cost by approximately 1% is equal to a revenue increase of 20%. The application of robust Strategic Supply Management concepts should be seen as a vital INVESTMENT and ASSET to the company and not a LIABILITY or additional cost to the  budget and expenditures.


  • To assist professionals to function more effectively through exposure to latest concepts, information and techniques that will develop current and future skill set requirements for the Purchasing & Supply Managment profession.
  • To provide and promote job satisfaction. Training enables professionals to use their skill, knowledge and ability to their fullest extent and thus experience job satisfaction and gain potential for monetary benefits from enhanced productivity.
  • To improve knowledge, skills, efficiency of employees to obtain maximum personal development
  • To fulfill the goals of the organization by securing optimum co-operation and contribution from its professionals.


GSMKonsep personnel have assisted clients across multiple industries (Oil & Gas, Automotive, Airlines, and Electronics) and internationally, whereby workable strategies have been developed and applied, resulting in substantial cost avoidance/ saving (accumulated around US$ 1.7 billion).


One-way lectures have a very low retention rate and interest level. We subscribe to the NTL Methodology of learning, which is that learning best occurs when It is interactive, includes activities, discussion and practices.

Our learning program will be conducted using a two-way communication approach with a combination of theory, interactive discussion, demonstrative example and practices.

Our concept of learning shall be based on Edutainment concept, which combine education and entertainment. Each class conducted shall be able to stimulate and motivate the student.  Books, Role Plays and other entertainment channels will be used to create interactive learning experience.


We divide our program into Basic, Medium and Advance Levels as we would like the learning experience to evolve gradually with a firm  understanding of all of the concepts and the ability to implement it in the day-to-day operation.

Apart from the courses directly related to Procurement & Supply Management, we also provide soft skill courses in order to empower learning in the Intermediate and Advanced sourses. An ideal Procurement & Supply management function must be able to interact with other departments, suppliers and executive management in order to effectively advance the implementation of Strategic Supply Management.

Our program is served for individual and corporate (minimum of 30 students). Please find below the subject of our learning materials.


  • History, Role and Benefits of the Purchasing & Supply Management Function
  • Designing and Operating a Robust Purchasing & Supply Management Proces
  • Business Ccorrespondence, Ccommunication, Eetiquette, Code of Conduct
  • Supplier Identification and Selection
  • Cost / Expenditure Analysis for Purchasing & Supply Management
  • Negotiation Basics


  • Introduction to Contract Management
  • Supplier Performance and  Measurement (External)
  • Total Cost of Ownership Methodology & Modelling
  • Purchasing Performance Measure (Internal)
  • Cross-Functional Team
  • Corrective Action, Request, Root Cause Anaysis
  • Quality Basics, Corrective Action Request & Root Cause Analysis


  • Advanced Supplier Management Techniques & Supplier Strategy
  • Commodity Strategy Development
  • Supplier Development (Local Supplier Development)
  • Advanced Supplier Quality Management Techniques
  • Developing/Designing/Operating an Effective Cost Saving Program
  • Designing & Implementing an MRO Strategy
  • Creating an Effective Purchasing & Supply Management Organization


  • High Empowered Leadership
  • Business Correspondence, Communication, Etiquette, Code of Conduct
  • Teaming & Facilitation
  • Problem Solving
  • Effective Meetings